→Antarctica — In February 2020, the region recorded the highest temperature of 18.3 degree Celsius which was a degree higher than the previous record of 17.5 degrees in March 2015..
(D.)A product’s lifecycle from its first prototypes to its final stage of material destruction leaves a carbon footprint. The term sustainability implies that we do not take more from nature than we give back, yet solely existing as a business in the first place is creating negative impact on the planet. By taking a holistic approach to sustainability within the product lifecycle, we examine each step in the process of creating the product, we identify and calculate the carbon emissions, and we strategize in order to minimize the effect on the planet.
Most of the startups and early-stage businesses that we work with share a specific customer demographic: the early adopter. This an individual who is typically more prosperous, progressive, educated and well connected than other customers.
In recent years, we've seeing a clear trend of Millennials and Gen Z consumers buying less at higher quality - the environmental effect of their purchase more and more often being one of their key decision making points.
They're not easily greenwashed - they need to feel like the product can show real transparency and care in sustainability and environmental impact; but when done right, that consumer will become a loyal fan, spreading the brand to their community, who generally hold their opinion in high regard.
→The Amazon — One computer model of future climate change caused by greenhouse gas emissions shows that the Amazon rainforest could become unsustainable under conditions of severely reduced rainfall and increased temperatures, leading to an almost complete loss of rainforest cover in the basin by 2100.
→Mount Kilimanjaro — Almost 85 percent of the ice cover on Kilimanjaro disappeared between October 1912 and June 2011, with coverage decreasing from 11.40 square kilometres (4.40 sq mi) to 1.76 square kilometres (0.68 sq mi). Between 1912 and 1953, there was about a 1.1 percent average annual loss of ice coverage.
We're here to help. Over the past year, we've done significant leg work researching and understanding how we can help our clients be more responsible from both a supply chain and technology front. We're incredibly proactive in this regard! We've come to see helping our clients do better by mother nature as one of our core responsibilities.
Whether it's adding carbon offsetting at time of checkout, performing a complex lifecycle analysis for an electronics product, or powering a supply chain with mycelium based packaging, we're excited to get creative, and help our clients tell that story, too!
→Greenland — The glaciers of Greenland are also contributing to a rise in the global sea level faster than was previously believed. Between 1991 and 2004, monitoring of the weather at one location (Swiss Camp) showed that the average winter temperature had risen almost 6 °C (11 °F).
→United States — In Alaska there is a predicted increase in average annual temperature by about 3 °F by the year 2040, increasing to 6 °F by 2080. The final result would be an increase of average annual temperature from about the current 42 °F to close to 48 °F over the southeast region of Alaska. More importantly than average annual temperature rises, is in winter temperatures. Winter temperatures could dramatically rise to 42 °F from the average of 36 °F.
We're blessed to have become a sought after collaborator in the product space, and it's our intention to use that influence to inspire and change the culture around sustainability with our partners and peers.
We feel strongly that businesses that ignore the responsibility to our planet will become irrelevant to their community on a longer timeline; and for that reason, we have no interest in working with them. From here on out, we'll be turning down work that is a clear net negative to the world at large, and we'll be encouraging our peers to do the same.
Studio Carbon Negative was initiated by Sanctuary Computer. Get in touch if you would like to know more information about Studio Carbon Negative.
→ Visit Sanctuary Computer